Acusado de atirar na Casa Branca continua detido
WASHINGTON, Dec 19 (Reuters) - A U.S. judge ruled on Monday that there is sufficient evidence to justify continued detention of a man accused of shooting at the White House in late November, an alleged attempt to kill U.S. President Barack Obama.Magistrate John Facciola said Oscar Hernandez-Ortega, 21, should be kept in jail while waiting to be interrogated and indicted, the second that the judge can prove that the accused has a "messianic complex."Obama was traveling to California on November 11, when Ortega-Hernandez had fired a semiautomatic weapon against the Romanian manufacturing headquarters of the U.S. government. Several shots struck the upper floors of the mansion, where is the living quarters inhabited by the President and his family.Prosecutors said Hernandez-Ortega quoted himself as a modern Christ Jesus, who would have been "chosen" to "take care" of Obama.Lawyers for the accused suggested that the target of the shooting was not the White House, someone in a yellow truck. They also said that no one has pointed Hernández-Ortega as the shooter.The accused had told the authorities that his car had been stolen that day, and that the shots had been made by the thief. His car was found a few blocks from the White House, with a rifle in the front seat.Trying to counter that argument, prosecutors showed pictures of a surveillance camera in a supermarket, showing Ortega-Hernandez hours after the alleged theft.The FBI agent Michael Pinto said during the lengthy hearing on Monday that 12 spent cartridges were found in the car Ortega-Hernandez, and there were no fingerprints of anyone else on the site. Two bullets and a cartridge in the White House findings were compatible with the weapon he had.A doctor determined that Ortega Hernandez-mental conditions have to be tried, despite the strangeness of some of his statements. The boy could be sentenced to life imprisonment.(Reporting by Jeremy Pelofsky)
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